MedCore has another solution to help your practice run more smoothly: a collection specialist. Furthermore, MedCore offers two different categories of collections specialists: patient collection specialists and insurance collection specialists.

What is a Collection Specialist?

Medical collection specialists are in charge of all duties related to collecting payments on patient accounts. Even though work is frequently distributed based on priority, every employee is cross-trained and capable of performing activities across a variety of sectors.

Moreover, patients will collaborate with our staff on their claims all the way through. Specialists from MedCore assist your practice with accelerating the patient balance revenue cycle. They accomplish this by working with patients to ensure that claims are completely paid. MedCore’s personnel can handle payments over the phone or online if the provider offers online payment options.

What Our Specialists Do

Our experts manage all the procedures needed to track and follow up on claims. Employees at MedCore keep track of payments and inquire about any pending payments that payers might require. Using client billing software, MedCore staff keeps track of these follow-ups.

Also, the status of payments is updated by our specialists using client billing software. Once payment statuses have been changed, the claim is complete. Insurance collection experts update the accounts to reflect all deductibles, copayments, insurance, and patient payments.

In addition, clients might need to challenge a claim and ask their insurance company to perform a thorough and impartial review of its judgment. When this occurs, specialists frequently re-bill or resubmit documents or other information. Your practice does not have to perform any of the necessary stages in this procedure because MedCore accomplishes them all.

Main Job Responsibilities

  • Inform patients explicitly about their obligation to pay for the services they receive.
  • In the billing system, promptly and precisely record all calls under the patients’ accounts.
  • Make payment arrangements in accordance with your practice’s policy.
  • Manage self-pay accounts that are past due and their status for management.
  • Conduct follow-ups on insurance claims for appeals and denials.
  • To determine eligibility and benefits, call insurance companies or use their websites.
  • When necessary, help with additional billing and collection tasks.

Overall, our staff ensures your practice is paid for all claims, allowing your staff to concentrate on what matters most: patient care. If you need help deciding whether a Patient Collections Specialist is the best fit for your clinic, MedCore will work with you. To assist your healthcare organization run effectively, MedCore works to seamlessly incorporate our staff into your current processes.


MedCore Solutions. Collections specialists. (2023, June 8). Retrieved from

Patriot Ambulance Inc. (2019). Medical Collections Specialist Job Description. Retrieved from,Primary%20Responsibilities