
Offshoring offers a solution to hospitals that are critically understaffed and on the brink of going under. Healthcare systems around the world are suffering from a lack of workers, notably in nursing.

Increase in Staffing Shortages

Since 2020, the need for healthcare providers has exponentially grown, however, the staff shortage has only grown over the last three years. The overall deficit of nurses is expected to reach 1.1 million by 2023, according to the American Hospital Association, who declared it a “national emergency.”

Although if the healthcare shortage may appear to be a serious problem in the United States, it is important to think about other countries. For instance, the UK’s NHS is “suffering the biggest staffing crisis in history,” since there are currently 110,000 open positions and a growing need for 50,000 nurses, 12,000 doctors, and other healthcare professionals.

Patients experience growing treatment delays as a result, staff is overworked, hospitals are failing, and patients are dying. There is no end in sight due to the escalating shortages.

What is Offshoring?

Offshoring is the process of moving operations or ownership of a company’s operations to a country other than the country in which the company obtaining the services is based. Furthermore, offshoring offers a part-time solution to this staffing problem. Although it isn’t a perfect cure, it can reduce the system’s excruciating pressure and offer long-term support.

Offshoring can start as soon as a hospital chooses to. The struggling hospitals can be instantly strengthened by thousands of trained nurses, medical staff members, and administrators.

These employees will interact remotely from places like the Philippines to work. There are numerous ways in which extra remote employees can support the core staff’s workload.

Benefits of Computerized and Remote Care

While there is a stereotype of nurses that includes being highly physically active, caring for patients who are confined to beds, assisting with bathing, and managing drips and medications. In actuality, nurses are spending a significant amount of time coordinating patient care, filing reports, and sitting in front of computers.

In actuality, a lot of medical tasks are carried out in front of a computer or screen. Admissions, evaluations, triage, discharge, patient monitoring, reports, patient liaison, and numerous tasks involving patient administration, billing, pharmacy, and general operations.

A task that requires a computer can probably be completed overseas. Some estimate that 30 to 40 percent of occupations and functions can be performed remotely or overseas. A nurse in the Philippines could easily handle the procedure for routine admissions. They would communicate with the patient immediately using an iPad or a basic console while directly entering the information into the system. A hospital has thousands of different jobs, many of which can be performed remotely from elsewhere.

Changes Already in Motion

Offshoring is not a hypothetical or futuristic idea. It is now occurring. It is reliable, accurate, safe (HIPAA, PCI, ISO compliant), affordable, and practical. To restructure operations and introduce some new systems, each hospital must exercise some initiative, but it is easily doable.

Also, there is a chance for hospitals to significantly reduce costs. Typically, salaries are 70% less expensive. so that the healthcare systems can cease losing money. There is clearly a workforce shortage, and fatalities are still occurring. Meanwhile, highly qualified personnel are available and waiting to start working offshore.

Looking to Tackle Staffing Shortages in your Healthcare Practice?

MedCore Solutions can help your practice tackle staffing shortages and challenges with medical billing. They are an industry leader in streamlined medical billing and administrative services. MedCore’s specialists offer a solution to industry-wide staffing shortages, all while helping your practice run smoothly. MedCore tailors solutions to the needs of each medical practice so providers can focus on what matters most: taking care of their patients. Learn more at


Gone Global. (2023, March 15). The Hospital Staffing Crisis – Offshore Can Help. Retrieved from