Our Mission

Healthcare practitioners can concentrate more on patient care with the aid of the affordable and high-quality administrative staffing solutions provided by MedCore Solutions. MedCore: The innovative, scaleable, and affordable way to build a Healthcare Workforce. So that healthcare businesses can concentrate on what’s most important—taking care of patients—MedCore Solutions offers flexible, cost-effective, high-quality staffing solutions […]
Benefits of Offshoring for HCP

Offshoring offers a solution to hospitals that are critically understaffed and on the brink of going under. Healthcare systems around the world are suffering from a lack of workers, notably in nursing. Increase in Staffing Shortages Since 2020, the need for healthcare providers has exponentially grown, however, the staff shortage has only grown over the […]
Increase in Labor Shortages in Healthcare

According to a recent study, the healthcare industry may see an increase in labor shortages in the near future, despite the rising need for healthcare providers. “The healthcare workforce is burned out following a nearly two-year face-off against COVID-19,” said by John Derse, a healthcare industry leader at Mercer. “This impact will be felt by […]
Federal Agencies Offer Funds to Address the Lack of Healthcare Providers

With incentives for community health workers and new nurses, federal agencies plan to address the lack of healthcare providers. The United States Departments of Labor (DOL) and Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a combined $346 million in funding for education and opportunities around the country. Community Health Workers The Health Resources and Services Administration […]
Potential Continuation of Workforce Issues in Medical Groups

According to a poll by the American Medical Group Association (AMGA), ongoing workforce issues have caused medical groups’ staffing ratios to decline and their labor costs to rise. A Decline in Staffing Ratios The 2022 Medical Group Operations and Finance Survey contains data from more than 24,000 medical professionals working in 5,600 clinics. The results […]
Medical Billing Outsourcing Grows

Medical billing outsourcing is on the rise because of high billing expenses and staffing shortages. Future Industry Insights’ most recent analysis predicts that the market will experience record growth by 2022. Looking at the Numbers Medical billing outsourcing is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 16% from 2022 to 2032. By […]