We provide flexible healthcare staffing positions in key areas so you can better focus on what matters most: patient care, retention, and providing innovative services. We help you assemble a team of your own that works within your existing company structure and management style.
Lack of Qualified Talent: In today's job market finding qualified healthcare professionals is time-consuming and costly.
Increased Labor Cost & Decreased Profitability: In the last 5 years the cost of labor has doubled in the field of billing and Collections.
Lost Revenue: Most Healthcare practices, Hospitals, and Urgent Care facilities are at full capacity and turn away patients.
Attrition: Staff that has been invested time and resources into leave to work for a competitor.
High Overhead: The cost to house employees in your office plays a significant role in your overhead and impacts your bottom line.
Looking at the numbers, typical healthcare professional costs combined with the competitive market place makes providers feel like they’re constantly treading water. Imagine a way to increase your talent pool while decreasing costs.
Get a completely free practice analysis to see if MedCore is the right choice for you.
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